Do you or does your child feel like

a brilliant misfit at times?

You've come to the right place.

Do you or does your child feel like a brilliant misfit at times?

You've come to the right place!

A flame with a keyhole in the middle of it.

Activate the Power of your Innate Genius and Replace...

Lightbulb outline

Boredom with Curiosity

Growth outline

ADHD with Productivity

Puzzle outline 2

Burnout with Joy

Brain Fog with Clarity/Focus

Thumbs up outline

Anxiety with Confidence

Up arrows

Low Energy with Passion

Our Family Coaching services can help you achieve these changes


  • Family Coaching Testimonials

    "Otto and the Genius Coaching Team - Thank you so much for the wealth of information you have taught our family in the young adults and parents program!   Otto is a brilliant, caring, and progressive coach.  We miss our coaching sessions; they were fun and educational!  Our family learned so much about each other - our unique geniuses, strengths, learning styles, needs, and values.  These learnings were invaluable and have helped us to communicate better, adapt, and respect each other's differences.  We also learned about the importance of play, as well as science-based exercises that are effective in connecting and optimizing the mind and body.  Our individual Genius Profiles are a succinct blueprint of each of our family members.  We display the Genius Profiles in our home; they are great reminders to ourselves and each other about our accomplishments and what makes us extraordinary.  Genius Coaching was especially helpful and effective for one of our gifted and highly sensitive daughters.  Because of Otto's teachings, she has been able to manage stress much better, stay more focused and organized, and let her creativity, humor, and brilliance shine through.  She is more confident and aware of the special person she is.  I am so thankful to have discovered Genius Coaching at a parent conference years ago.  I highly recommend Otto and Genius Coaching.  Their programs are a wonderful investment in yourself and loved ones."  - Sandy

    "What a blessing to have Otto for my son's Success Coach! We have learned so much to help him access his abilities and genius within. I would highly recommend seeking out Genius Coaching, especially as a major alternative to medicating our beautiful children - the New Generation for the Planet." - Joanna K., Phoenix

    "Without a doubt, Genius Coaching has transformed me as a person and drastically improved my life. Before I had my first session, I was grumpy, had a lot of anxiety, and was not very good socially. Now, about a year after I first started, I can safely say that Coaching has completely changed me. I'm a much happier, better behaved person than I was way back then. Although the process seemed a little intense, the payoff is definitely worth it. To go into a little bit more depth, what Otto does is magical. In a couple of weeks, the tricks that he teaches you, although they originally seem a little strange and/or confusing, can change anyone's entire demeanor for the better. I remember how much anger and fear dominated my life in the past, and it seems like all of that has been wiped away. Although improving my attitude was hugely important, Genius Coaching also helped me learn a lot more about myself. Before I started working with Otto, I had a vague idea of who I was. However, looking back, I can easily see how much I didn't know about myself back then that I know now. It's been truly eye-opening. As I enter the second semester of my junior year of high school, I have finally realized how drastically Otto has changed me as a person. It's something that is amazing - there is nothing like it. I cannot thank Otto enough for the wonderful experience, and I recommend it to all who want to change their lives for the better. Thank you!" - Ben W.

    "I wanted to let you know how much our family enjoyed consulting with Otto.  It was truly invaluable. We all learned more about ourselves and each other. We are anticipating future consultations with him. Hope to be in touch soon! Thanks a million, Otto — your visionary spirit is an inspiration to us ALL!!" - Denise

    "I forgot to tell you when we were talking yesterday that we have been putting an emphasis on the food side of things, as well as the water. The protein and complex carbs help everyone stay connected, I’m sure, so we’re upping the effort even more around here  :) I came away feeling very positive from our meeting yesterday. I think a big part of that is the dramatic shift I saw in Andrew after his exercises. It is encouraging to hear you say that you feel he/we are making some good progress! This has been one of the most stressful times for our family for several reasons — somehow I think you know that – but at the same time, we have so much to be thankful for. Your program, with all the exercises and reminders, have helped both of us to slow down and not lose sight of that. I can see how we are now starting to share those vibes with Rob and Meagan at home. It’s a good thing! Thanks!" – Kristine

    "Haley is great … she is still in college, of course, but it looks like she will be finishing a bit early, graduating from the Honors college of Science in 3 1/2 years and right now, planning to go on to graduate school … she just loves it even though it is hard work and challenges her. She is holding an office for her sorority, and she does volunteer work with the nutrition department for the Tucson school district, as well.  She has applied for some research programs to work on childhood obesity prevention and Diabetes solutions…. those she hopes to start this summer. She continues to be very very focused, and she is proceeding at an amazing pace toward all the goals you helped her in setting while making adjustments along the way quite gracefully and with much confidence most of the time." - Jessica B.

    "Hi, Otto. I just want you to know that today Wendell told me that he really enjoyed going to see you yesterday. He said he had a lot of fun because he could talk to you and you understood him. You are the first person that he really opened up to, he usually doesn’t do that, and I thank you for helping him. " -  Gloria

    "John is really doing well–I can’t thank you and Darjul enough for helping him understand his uniqueness. He has more confidence and ability to engage his logic when his emotions are running high–which is a HUGE improvement. You see, there is a downside to being on the mother end sometimes. Kids can easily feel that their mom’s acknowledgement and appreciation of their abilities is skewed–that they are “supposed to say” those things because we are, indeed, their mothers. Having somebody else who didn’t know him beforehand come in and help him believe in himself has been amazing. So thank you." - Debbie N.

    "On Wednesday, Marcus and I both did crosswalks and power 8s before he went to school. He came home and said he had no homework, that he’d completed everything at school.  'I looked on the board and thought, ‘That’s going to be homework,’ so I just finished it in class.' This is unheard of behavior. He NEVER completes all his homework at school. I brought to his attention the crosswalk and power 8s. He shrugged his shoulders. This morning, we did the same thing. He came home having completed all his homework in class again. And he’d read a chapter in his reading book, also something he doesn’t normally do in class. He was tired, hungry and had a headache. But he’d done all his homework. I mentioned again that he’d done crosswalk and power 8s. This time, he nodded his head in agreement. In addition, I can say that I have been more productive the last two days. Very interesting, I must say. I’m going to keep this up. " - Jo Lou

    "I would like to say thank you for the amazing guidance and inspiration you have given to my daughter.  I wish, when I was twelve, I had met someone with your insight and passion to help me find my strengths, find my own passion, and inspire me to greatness, as you have done for her.  As parents, we try to motivate our kids and tell them they are amazing, and it never quite seems to sink in.  Your numerous talents have helped my daughter’s self-confidence, her ability to see what she does well and her belief that she really is an amazing person with her own special genius. I wish you many more successes with Genius Coaching, and I thank you and your staff for presenting this wonderful opportunity for self-discovery to my family.  Our experience with you was life changing, and I want other people to know about it! Karoline starts school next week and is determined to incorporate what she has learned from you. She is in honors reading, honors English, honors social studies and advanced orchestra this year!" - Kym O.

    "Laura is seeing great benefits in school because of the body meditation that you taught her! She was stressing out before her math tests, couldn’t concentrate, and hadn’t been doing as well as she could. After suggesting that she do a body meditation before her next test (I also asked her teacher to remind her), she got a much better grade! I expect to see continued improvement. She has seen the proof that body meditation works, and her confidence has grown considerably! I can’t thank you enough. I look forward to hearing from you." - Corilyn O.

    "From the bottom of my heart as a Mom that was just lost and had no answers for what I was facing. a parent you cannot imagine a more scary place then one where you cannot help your child...THANK YOU!! I PRAY THAT GOD WILL GUIDE YOU TO HELP THOUSANDS MORE. You are an amazing person who deserves way more credit than I am sure you receive.Thanks again for what you do, until we meet again." - Angie Bradtke

  • Personal Coaching Testimonials

    One of the biggest gifts about working with you is that I can’t define how this works but I know that it does and it does so beautifully.  The experience without definition is what someone like me needs as much as an essential nutrient!  Thank you, Otto, my heart expands with gratitude when I think of your profound influence on my life.

    -Amy Serin, PhD, Neuropsychologist and Inventor, President Arizona Neuropsychological Society, Adjunct Faculty Midwestern University

    "I highly recommend Otto and Genius Coaching for anyone battling ADD or ADHD. I wish I would have found him about 20 YEARS ago! With his simple techniques and innovative way of teaching, I was able to stop taking my ADD medication and start living an exciting life. Thanks Otto!" - Sean B., Mesa

    "My time with Otto helped transform my life. I grew in my professional life through leadership, matured in my personal life, and developed areas that were dormant that are unique to who I am. It takes a special person to show you who YOU are when you forget it. I cannot thank you enough for reminding me of my own talents when I had forgotten them and showing me the lengths of my potential at a time when I needed it most. I appreciate you beyond words thank you so much for this once in a lifetime experience. You truly are GENIUS!" - Courtney F., Phoenix

    "I'm grateful to Otto and Genius Coaching! I know of no greater place to discover my inner wisdom and strength to become the best version of myself. Thank you!" - Karen N, Phoenix

    "This was an amazing experience! Otto helped me become more comfortable and confident in my own skin, and showed me how to be successful by my standards. I use this experience he’s provided in every part of my daily life!" - Mason H, Phoenix

    "I cannot tell you how grateful I am for Otto Siegel.  He is a fabulous coach and mentor and helped me increase sales volume while adding “balance” to my life.  If you are even thinking about tapping into your genius, I would encourage you to go for it." - Kris A., Realtor

    "Otto has created the most powerful and profound program for self-awareness and improvement that I have experienced. Completing the Genius Profile has re-affirmed some life changes I made several years ago and has given me direction to focus on my true strengths and purpose in life. Thank you Otto!!!" - Joe M.

    "After all those years of silent suffering, long bouts of depression, feelings of insufficiency and simply not being able to find my place (my home, my career, my path), I thought I'd heard it all. All the psychotherapy, self-help stuff, lifestyle adjustments, all those gurus and healers and movements... But, fortunately, I had not. I'm so thankful for every minute as Otto's coachee. It has been such great and intense experience, well, for the purpose of a review, let me sum it up - I learned to replace negativity with reality as a trick to stop worrying about the future. Now I know what I'm capable of, and what I need for it and how to get it." - Magdalena Kosova, Helsinki,FL

    "My name is Oleg Fleyer. I live in Minsk, Belarus. After many investigations and tryings with different coaches I was very happy to find Genius Coaching and Otto Siegel. This was right solution for me in right place and time of my life. I've met an amazing person, Otto, which energized me even without questions. Otto coached me for 3 months and our meetings became groundbreaking for me and impacted all areas all my life for a long time. Otto has very unique vision for all Humanity where everybody lives with innate Genius and enjoy life unfolding Genius in every tiny action every day. With Otto, you always want to make next step because of he listen you deeply behind words, he asks very powerful questions which blow your mind, and he create safe and creative environment where you can safely play with your own Genius. The truth is I am certified Genius Coach now and develop Genius Coaching in my own way on Russian speaking area. It is the only beginning..." - Oleg F., Minsk

    "Thanks Otto for the information and amazing session today. It’s incredible the difference I felt in my body from before the session to after and the rest of the day. I could feel the stress and tension leave my body!! Thank you!!" - K. Bartley

    "True genius cuts across divisions and segmentations, and Otto does just that. He’s helped everyone from famous athletes to elementary school children to entrepreneurs tap into their inner strength and learn to live a more productive, satisfying lifestyle. I’m extremely grateful for his influence in my life and in the lives of many of my closest friends and associates. If you ever have the opportunity to hear him speak, attend a workshop, or do individual coaching, jump on it!" - Noah D., Director Sure Spark Internet Marketing, Scottsdale

    "Through this process my marriage and family ties became stronger. Several friends went through a similar period of having a bad job and did not realize how much this impacts their family life. I was in the wrong place in my life before working with you. In a short period of time, you showed me that I had strengths I used every day but really never understood. For years now, I had health problems that no one could explain. Now there is no need to explain them as they begin to go away." - G.K.

    "I’ve experienced a complete personal and professional transformation – after losing my job and applying for unemployment - with your support I was able to articulate a perfect job in a great company and found it after our 5th session." - I.V.

    "Genius Coaching is fantastic and the results are life changing. Otto helped me see things in a whole new perspective. I was at a crossroads in my career and he helped me create the self confidence and awareness needed to move forward in a whole new direction. I am a better person since working with Otto, more focused and determined to dream bigger than ever. I would highly recommend Genius Coaching!" - 

    Vikie Gambill, Personal Trainer and Fitness Competitor. 

    "I think Genius Coaching is SO needed. I have never met such an empowering, uplifting approach to helping people overcome challenges. I just finished their book, "Yes, You are a Genius" and it has changed the way I am approaching my business, my trials, and my future. I am so pumped!!" - Elisabeth B., Phoenix

    "Otto is a masterful coach and beyond that he is so unique! If you are looking for a coach that is experienced, cutting edge, and deeply will find no individual like him. Whether you are looking for coaching, want to become a coach, or you are looking to bring coaching and leadership development to your organization or school, I recommend having just one conversation with Otto! You will be left inspired, in awe, and wanting more! He offers something that is unlike what anyone else there is doing and helps others tap into their own GENIUS!  During a coaching session about of my Physical Intelligence, with only 3 powerful questions, Otto opened a door for me that will forever change my life. One of my greatest talents is actually something that creates the most fear for me. What a powerful gift I received, by simply shifting my perspective that I can control and leverage this gift without fear and I am now empowered to celebrate this talent. The power and potential of this experience was so profound and deeply personal, yet Otto simply and gracefully unearthed something I had attempted to hide from myself for years. Forever grateful and changed! Otto and Genius Coaching will deliver more than you imagined and you will be astounded by the results!" - Grechen Elmore

    "I just wanted to thank you for the gift of your book. I finally had a chance to start it this weekend and I didn’t want to put it down! So much of it resonated with me and still is…I truly feel like Genius Coaching is the missing link from my life and I can’t contain my passion and excitement for what is to come! You have also re-inspired me to sit down and finally start working on the book I want to write, so thank you for sharing your stories with us and being transparent, it has been life changing for me." - Nicole

    "I will be sure to keep my eyes forward to explore new territory in 2022.

     I cannot thank you enough for all your help this year. Not really sure where my life would have been if we did not work together; likely not too good.

     You are a true genius Otto and a master at what you do.  Purely a one of a kind.

     Thank you again; for everything. You are appreciated.

     Best wishes,"


  • Longevity Coaching Testimonials

    "Otto Siegel IS a genius. His Longevity Coaching rocked my personal world as well as my clients'. Otto radiates joy, possibilities and paradigm shifts! Give yourself the gift of signing up for anything this man has to share."


    Amy M., Leadership Coach

    "I was laid off from a long corporate leadership career when I met Otto during a Longevity Conference in 2017. He helped me to avoid the retirement trap and encouraged me to start a business that fills my heart with new purpose and vitality." - Len Heflich

    "I had dropped out of high school over 54 years ago because I had to go to work. Now in my 72th year I felt I needed a new career. I didn’t have a lot of confidence and faith in myself that I could go to school again. You made me feel confident. Coaching with you was a real boost for me to get me out of the sphere of failure and the exercises for my brain you did with me helped me focus much more and feel much less overwhelmed. They were really, really great." - David C.

  • Public Speaking Testimonials

    "Laughter is acceptable in the classroom. It's okay to bring in the fun. It should have never left". 

    Teacher, POP The Power of Play for Teachers 

    "The true value of play. I will be sure to prioritize play so my students will feel the benefits." 

    Teacher, POP The Power of Play for Teachers 

    "Otto, I cannot thank you enough for supporting the Peer Support 3.0 conference. You touched so many people. The evaluation responses were AMAZING. When people have major life hiccups (as did most of us in that room) self-belief trickles away. Your words replenished us all!" - Dr. Gloriana Hunter

    "Otto is a dynamic presenter who is enthusiastic about helping people to identify one’s unique capacities and capabilities. His authentic, energetic presentation provided our luncheon guests the opportunity to think, move, and learn in a fast-paced 60 minutes. Attendees left feeling invigorated to explore their uniqueness, focus on what works, and apply the simple movement to keep creativity flowing. Thank you! " - Michael Powell, President-elect , ASTD, Phoenix Valley of the Sun Chapter

    "Otto’s presentation, 'Maximizing Brain Connections', was passionately presented and provided group members with practical, easy to understand exercises that can easily be incorporated into a daily schedule, no matter how busy you are. The positive feedback we received from our support group members (both survivors and caregivers), was overwhelming and they cannot wait for Otto to return for another session." - Chris and Amy Hotaling, NW Valley Brain Injury Survivors and Caregivers Support Group Facilitators

Find a fresh and sustainable

perspective for ADHD, anxiety or boredom.

From Age 7 to 70

Connect with Us

Bring out the best in yourself and your child with our proprietary 3-step process:

DECODE: Use our Genius Profile to identify what you are best at and like to do.

ACTIVATE: Translate your hidden brilliance into daily action with our proven Physical Intelligence methodology.

THRIVE: Eliminate current behavior or low energy challenges and enjoy highly functional new habits.

A logo for genius coaching with three triangles and a circle in the middle

Bring out the best in yourself and your child with our proprietary 3-step process.

DECODE: Use our Genius Profile to identify what you are best at
ACTIVATE: Translate your hidden brilliance into daily action
THRIVE: Enjoy your life and career
A logo for genius coaching with three triangles and a circle in the middle

Take Our FREE Assessment!

Whether you're a parent looking for family coaching or an individual trying to discover your true Genius, we have an assessment for you.

Take Parent Quiz Take Genius Quiz
A bald man wearing a blue shirt is smiling for the camera

Meet Otto Siegel, M.Ed., MCC

Otto Siegel is a nationally and internationally recognized Gifted Coach, speaker, an innovator in professional coaching, and the founder of Genius Coaching LLC in Scottsdale, AZ. With his life partner Susanna Lange, he wrote “Yes, You Are a Genius,” a book about the biology and power of innate genius potential, and developed the Genius Profile™ as the most comprehensive interactive evaluation system for human brilliance. Since 2003, he has served thousands of parents and their bright and sensitive children between 7 and 27 to overcome learning or behavior challenges and create a bright future. He has been energizing teachers, education professionals, and team leaders in large and mid-size companies like Oracle or IBM with his playful and profound approach to decoding and activating unique genius as the ultimate goal of education and foundation for high performance.

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The "Bible" for Brilliant Misfits:

How would you feel if you would have more and more access to your hidden genius right now? 

Are you ready to explore your innate unique brilliance in greater detail?

If so, this book is a wake-up call. It's a must read for anyone who feels that "There MUST be more than THIS". Magic and miracles will happen when this true genius appears and transforms your life. The book is full of hands on lessons such as "a genius training program," a guided "genius meditation" and specific examples with guidelines.

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A book called yes you are a genius by susanna lange and otto siegel
What a blessing to have Otto for my son's Success Coach! We have learned so much to help him access his abilities and genius within. I would highly recommend seeking out Genius Coaching, especially as a major alternative to medicating our beautiful children-the New Generation for the Planet.
I think Genius Coaching is SO needed. I have never met such an empowering, uplifting approach to helping people overcome challenges. I just finished their book, "Yes, You are a Genius" and it has changed the way I am approaching my business, my trials, and my future. I am so pumped!!
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Genius Coaching is a dynamic resource to help you or your child overcome challenges, build on your innate talents and strengths, and realize all that is possible.

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Genius Tips

Crisis as Catalyst

By Otto Siegel February 27, 2025
Help Your Young Adult Take Flight
By Otto Siegel January 29, 2025
Skin- Your M&M
By Otto Siegel December 17, 2024
A New Approach For Your Holiday
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