Imagine this: a fearless athlete with a huge obstacle in his hands runs down the track at full speed. At the end, he rapidly inserts this pole in a small box, translates his horizontal speed into vertical momentum, and swings himself up as high and straight as possible. The pole was customized to his height and weight, and its elasticity gave him additional momentum to go further up in the air with his feet first. He has to trust his pole to fly higher than 6 m and land triumphantly on the other side.
But how does this relate to Genius Coaching?
Our clients frequently come with obstacles like ADHD, anxiety, or low confidence as their "pole." Then, they discover that this obstacle hides their hidden genius and can be a powerful tool to boost them higher than they ever imagined... if they have the guts to cross the bar and land on the other side into a new reality of victory and joy!
Today, I challenge you to ask yourself, "What's my "pole"?"