Last week I challenged Jon*(24) with a simple question: "What are 5 things you feel thankful for." - Pause- then he hesitantly responded: "For my parents, my job, my friends, my car, my cell phone."
"Great, let's continue with level 2 of this genius gratitude game: What is it just about yourself you are thankful for?" More hesitation, longer pauses...
Do you see where this is going? Gratitude can be a superficial attitude, a big daily challenge or a bone-deep desire to acknowledge everyone and everything that works for us or supports us on a daily basis, not only around these year-end Holidays.
But what does 'radical' have to do with gratitude? The Latin word 'radix; means 'root'. The roots for our life as human beings are the miraculous cells of our own bodies and their magic biochemical interactions.
Here is the radical gratitude genius tip for you: Give yourself a brain hug by holding front and back of your head and thank your brain for processing up to 70,000 thoughts per day. Then hold one hand on your heart and thank this miracle muscle for beating more than 100,000 times per day without any interruption.
After a few days of regular practice you will notice 2 profound changes:
Too busy? Think again.
Don't believe me? Challenge me.
Curious to try this new radical approach? Let me know about your results!