At 11, Kaylee* felt shy, bored and withdrawn with mostly sad feelings about herself. Her intelligence was nurtured at school but she could never enjoy her success. She discovered writing as her deep passion and created poems and fun stories about animals to express her feelings. She turned them into videos and started a YouTube channel.
Within 4 weeks she had 250 followers and her confidence increased in leaps and bounds: "I found something new I am really god at and feel very happy."
Are you or is your child yearning for something more?
Our usual flow of life has been shaken to its core.
The current crisis might challenge us to look deeper, to explore and activate more hidden talents in ourselves and our children.
How does this apply to you and/or your bright and sensitive child?
(let me know in the comments below)
"Help me find out who I am!
" Angela, 16
Yes, we have 2 birthdays: The first one when we were born and the second one when we find out WHY
Can this crisis be the catalyst for your and/or your child's second birthday? It can be a life changing event.
I feel passionate about helping you and your children to live a better life.
-Otto Siegel
*Names have been changed to protect our client's privacy.