Anxiety symptoms have grown into an international epidemic over the past years. Trend: increasing! You might frequently read about what's causing it and hear about a wide spectrum from fake news, personal hardships or cyber bullying to personal feelings of helplessness or smallness. That in itself an make you feel even more anxious...
Today I invite you for a fresh perspective and a highly effective way to minimize anxiety within a few minutes, starting with a quick look into brain physiology:
You know how the 2 halves of your brain are connected through a fairly small bridge called Corpus Callosum. It serves like an essential information highway between both hemispheres and ensures rapid signal processing for high creativity.
However, in situations of emotional stress, pressure or overload, this bridge can slow down or even shut down. Now the essential information flow goes on a detour down to the brain stem and up on the other side. The brainstem is home to survival instincts and reflexes like fight, flight or freeze. Every piece of information coming through is paired with anxiety - immediately and subconsciously.
Instead of fighting anxiety in your brain stem we recommend a simple and powerful movement to re-open the information freeway in your brain:
"Is Your Anxiety a Real Disorder?"
Watch Chapter 1 from our Parent Coaching Series here.