More than just a play with words!
"I am ok, but I am NOT brilliant" stated Ron*(23) last week during a lunch meeting. "I have no idea what I really want to do with my life and feel low in energy most of the time."
"Tell me 5 things you are really good at" was my response. Reluctantly he came up with 2 and then we had a minute of deep silence. How ready was he for a new direction? How about stop fixing his weaknesses, stop changing into a different image of himself? This sounded like common sense to him but like a brand new concept.
What if brilliance would be written on our DNA as part of our inheritance and working capital to create a successful life? "Mother nature' (whoever that is) was brilliant to put this hardwired information in every cell of our bodies. Instinctively, every parent knows and feels that their child is brilliant, has everything they need to create a fulfilling and prosperous life. Why is it so hard to get this natural biological genius out of them and into manifestation?
Stop - before we look at children and education let's look at ourselves: How easy or hard is it for me to accept my innate brilliance?
I had to change to a different dimension to get a grip on this challenge: Intellectually I understood that I have been doing some pretty amazing things in my life so far that make me feel proud. (Did I downplay them?) HOWEVER, the FEELING for the value of this natural brilliance has been growing very slowly over the past decades. The gold was covered up by the gravel of false humility, trying to be somebody else, ....
Only when I started to receive myself on a deeper level it became easier to accept heart-felt compliments without a "yes, but..." and let them nourish my soul. It is easier to respond to criticism with a sense of humor and warm feeling for the person without discussing any negative message.
How does this resonate with you?