Misguided Intensity?
Otto Siegel • September 7, 2020
Katie* has a challenge at home:
"We have a few highly gifted kids and a very intense home environment
. We especially need help with our oldest who is 11 and still screaming and mean and obsessed with video games and often says we are bullies when we tell him he can’t play anymore when he is being mean to siblings and says he hates his life. He has threatened to kill us or himself over video games before. Whenever he is mean or aggressive, he denies it or blames the other person involved. It’s never his fault in his mind
. He is miserable and we don’t know how to help. He is amazing in school
. Teachers adore him. He is awkward socially and has a hard time with friends. I just want him to have some joy.
What is behind this desperate cry for help in the form of behavior language?
Intensity is one of FIVE elements of genius and a powerful behavior to make things happen.
Together with the parents we found a creative outlet for this intensity that is aligned with her son's innate talents and strengths
. The conversation shifted from "I am afraid of his video game addiction" to "Now I know how to support him to be passionate and focused with a joy in his heart."
*= not her real name