Alan's* mom complained about his aggressive outbursts and self-hate as a stark contrast to his kind and gentle interactions with his friends and teachers.
"How many hours per week do you play with him?
" was my first question. " Oh, I don't have time for that.
She has been missing a huge opportunity to initiate a lasting change of unwanted behavior in her son: Play is the first language every emotionally healthy child uses innately - beyond any language barrier. Play wires the brain in early childhood and at any age, creating new nerve cells in the hippocampus area and shaping neuroplasticity. Play expresses emotions and prevents conflicts, heals broken trust and sets a fresh start,
Stuart Brown connects the severe lack of play with a strong tendency to violence and self-destructive behavior in his riveting research on 546 pages of his book
How it shapes your Brain and invigorates your Soul".
May I invite you to
experience this power of play in action?
Parent Playtime
- a live online program for 7 selected parents to
- Re-discover the emotional impact of simple games,
- Explore play on a deeper level as a joyful leadership tool,
- Experience interactive play as highly effective stress relief.
YES - bring one of your favorite toys!
Tuesday, March 16th, from 12-1pm AZ Time
Duration: 4 weeks
No charge!