Caleb* was 8 years old when his desperate parents brought him to Genius Coaching for an evaluation: "At home he is shy and throws temper tantrums several times a week. We don't know how to fix that."
I asked Caleb "What are you good at?" With a big smile and radiant eyes he responded "LEGO!"
I gave him a small box with bricks and asked him to build and answer to the question "What do you want to do when you grow up?"
He built quickly and very focused, using every single brick in that box. His passionate answer: I want to be an architect."
Through play he just showed his parents what to pay attention to.
They continued with our parent coaching program to learn how to guide Caleb* through daily challenges in a playful and encouraging way for years to come, acting as parent-coaches and trusted advisors.
This journey can seem challenging and overwhelming at times, but Genius Coaching has an easy and convenient way to help you navigate this process:
Beginning Tuesday, September 14th, Parent Playtime is an online, highly interactive 5 week course.
The best part - it's only 1 HOUR!
From 12:00 - 1:00 PM PST - conveniently scheduled during your lunch break
It's a great way to get re-energized and inspired for the remainder of your day.
Your child is brilliant and you know it. Ready to use that secret door of PLAY to decode it and make your parenting more joyful?
Click HERE and let's get started
*not his real name
Genius Exercise of the week:
Shake off fears, worries and concerns with The Shaker.