"THAT does not make sense to me at all" said Alan* (12) when I asked him to get his calculator for a simple conversation:
"How many times does your heart beat in 1 minute?" - "70"
How many is that in an hour?" - "420, NO 4200!"
"What will that add up to in 24 hours?" - (Pause, repeated calculation in disbelief) - "THAT is crazy: 100,800!!"
The intellectual brain is not capable to understand this obvious miracle
Let's have a closer look: for centuries our school system has been focusing on developing the intellect, cause and effect, asking WHY
questions and analyzing realities on the basis of logic. Our brains learn to put all sensory impressions through this filter and try to make sense of everything around us and inside.
The 3-year old with their endless 'why' questions exemplifies this kind of curiosity and can drive parents up the wall at times or at least rolling their eyes.
How do we handle the 'heartbeat example'? Dismissing, ignoring, minimizing, downplaying, over-analyzing?
Genius doesn't. It stops. Admires. Feels in awe. Gets inspired. Expands the mind, appreciates.
No explanation is needed in this stage. The other part of the brain and body kick in what we adore in children so much: sensing, feeling, intuition, imagination, playing with ideas.
Creativity through playful thinking and feeling is the new power in all areas of life and human interaction. More important than intellect by itself.
What if they would be close friends and intimately connected? GENIUS!