William Shatner moved the human race forward this week. I watched his deep feelings after being back from his 11 minute space experience five times today with tears in my eyes:
In 2:27 minutes he touched millions of viewers around the world with his heart-felt sense of vulnerability about the thin layer of atmosphere that makes earth livable and protects us from death.
I feel the same way about the human body, YOU and ME, and could use almost the same words to describe it to you: vulnerable, fragile, valuable, alive, complex, endangered, biologically operating on a genius intelligence level. What a fascinating new universe to explore and leverage!
The extra bonus, Shatner shared this experience at age 90! What a profound inspiration to live well into 3-digit numbers of years and prosper in every way! Genius does not stop with age! Explore our Longevity Coaching program to expand your curiosity.