Throughout high school and college, Marcia* was a highly competitive, engaged and successful volleyball player. In 2015 she had a 'freak injury' in her right calf muscle, saw different specialists and could not find any solutions. "It is not MS, but something with your nerves, maybe an inflammation in your spinal cord," was the best answer she could get.
Her career ended, frustration settled in and Marcia* had to do soul searching about what she really wanted to do in her life: "I deserve to be happy and have a good life" was her mantra during that challenging year.
She found a wonderful life partner who shared her passion for acting, 6 months later she got engaged and another 6 months later they married. Today they enjoy 2 wonderful children together and bring them to their genius coaching sessions.
However, the mystery pain persisted unitl she practiced a very gentle move to stay connected in her brain.
After 4 weeks, she can kick up her right heel again without any pain. Her body started to heal itself as she has been exploring that new and bigger purpose she felt all along.
Miracle in action? Coincidence? Body wisdom?
*not her real name.