Did you ever bite your tongue? Literally or figuratively? If so, that might have been the only time when you paid closer attention to this miraculous sensory muscle:
Your tongue is an artist in several ways::
Without any conscious control, it swiftly moves every bite of your food between your teeth and quickly gets out of the way before strong teeth could injure it while tasting a combination of 4 qualities and transmitting these signals immediately to the brain: Sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Special sensors for temperature and texture add to the complexity and variety of signals.
On top of all that, your tongue plays a key role for speaking and singing ....!
Dry scientific anatomy descriptions might give the very limiting and overly simplifying impression of a precise machine, but rarely the admiration for the sophisticated biological roles of the tongue-miracle.
Is it time to say "thank you for your daily services"? Definitely, even if it might sound weird n the beginning. Time to raise awareness for this biological miracle? Absolutely!
The bigger picture? Every organ deserves that kind of conscious emotional acknowledgement. They all work with biological intelligence on a genius level. The same biological genius applies to tissues and cells that build every organ. You will hear more about this obvious and hidden Physical Intelligence in future genius tips.
Looking for your own genius? It is sitting right on your chair. Literally and biologically. Biological or Physical Intelligence is the root cause for being alive and healthy - mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially or financially.
How do you feel about your tongue now?
Parent of a Gifted Child?
Mark your Calendar for Saturday 9/21 from 8-12:30
Enjoy the AAGT Parent Institute