Until his unique genius broke through!
For more than a decade Greg's mom was desperate: It took him 3 High Schools to graduate and then he manifested a strong outburst of independence: No college, no job! He moved out from home and lived in his car. Driven by strong willpower - intensity - stubbornness - ... he became a regular guest at a local foodbank. To enrich his daily bland menu, he developed a technique to hunt squarrels in a local park and learned to prepare their meat.
Nobody among his friends and family members would ever have imagined that Greg would be sous chef in a high-end restaurant in Alaska only 10 years later, showing a bright outgoing personality to every customer and friend!
Innate genius has the power to completely transform a personality, sometimes in very unexpected ways! The life-changing process might be different for everyone, but always leads to a significant upgrade in lifestyle, purpose and happiness. It always involves other people, not always friends and family menbers. It can be a stranger with a personal connection or a book, a magazine article or movie. Whatever that spark is - it ignites the deeper calling, the search for meaning and joy.
Our research shows that innate human Genius has 5 qualities that ALWAYS apply: